In early 2017, Minnesota Motorcycle Monthly magazine ended its 20 year run as a print publication and and the publisher vowed "MMM is not dead. Just the opposite." And he went on to describe the rosy future he hoped the magazine might enjoy as an on-line magazine. It never happened. Some intermittent short articles appeared on the website and, eventually, the publisher managed to get most of the back articles posted to the new site, but the traffic and readers never made the transition. Sometime in the recent past the site,, disappeared. Today, the only on-line evidence that it ever existed is is a site that publishes PDF editions of a variety of magazines. And that's all she wrote for a pretty cool period of my life and a magazine that more people than you would think was read cover-to-cover and anticipated by local motorcyclists and a few long-distance subscribers.
Now that is a shame Thomas. MMM was a truly great mag and deserved a future.
"Great" might be overstating the case a bit, but "often excellent" wouldn't be pushing it much. When I first moved to Minnesota, in 1996, and found a copy of MMM at one of the old Hitchin' Post dealerships, I was practically sucked back in time to when motorcyclists fixed their own bikes and rode places without making obnoxious noises. There were articles about restoring old rat bikes, racing, long distance solo travels, and gear reviews that just didn't exist in the mainstream glossy magazines. Some of the people involved in making the magazine were astoundingly cool.
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