Jul 21, 2020

The High Cost of Overconfidence and Timidity Combined

This kind of “adventure” is sort of asking for trouble (not saying I never did anything this dumb, but I was on a LOT smaller bike when I did), but if you’re going to do it, do it fast.


Andy Mckenzie said...

What fascinates me is how slowly it happened. If you look around 1:48, it looks like he's aware that the tie is gone. He wasn't moving very fast: he'd come to a complete stop, acknowledged that the tie was damaged, and then rode slowly over it.

It looks (about 1:48, for instance) like he realized the problem as the front wheel went over. If he'd been prepared, he might have been able to stop the bike BEFORE the (heavier) rear wheel hit it. I could be wrong, of course, and it's a lot easier to see things like that in hindsight, and when someone else was the one in trouble, but...

Motorcycle windscreens said...

Shit happends some times xD.