Jun 9, 2015

We’re All Gangsters?

A [fake] Washington Post article detailing the results of interviewing an NSA goon regarding the rumor that all “registered motorcycle owners [have been] placed on a classified FBI gang list" discovered the rumor is true. Darren Corina said, “We may not like to admit it, but the truth of the matter is that those that own and operate motorcycles are 67% more likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity than those that do not own or operate a motorcycle.”

Corrina explained, “It’s the same as firearms, if local P.D or Highway Patrol were to pull someone over that is a registered firearm owner, that officer has the right to know this information going into the interaction, the same could be said about a local P.D or Highway Patrol Officer that pulled over a registered motorcycle owner, the situations are honestly interchangeable in the eyes of National and Homeland Security.”

Perfect, these lazy bastards ignore the worst criminals in the history of humanity and even protect them--the Wall Street banksters, corporate polluters, and the international criminals who profit from destroying the economy and abolishing the middle class from existence—but all motorcycle owners are “likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity.” Representative government has been pretty obsolete for a century, but it’s obvious that the NSA and most government agencies are so out of control that they need direct democratic supervision. If the NSA looked at their own behavior over the last 50 years they’d realize that government employees are clearly more likely “to be involved in illegal or criminal activity” than any actual human being.

Yeah, I’m pissed off.

Postscript: This is bullshit. Snopes.com says, "Athough the National Report is a well known fake news site, many readers were fooled by the story when it was republished on a domain designed to look like that of the Washington Post. However, that domain (Washingtonpost.com.co) has no affiliation with the real newspaper." I decided to leave up my goof, mostly because I think abandoning representative government is a good idea, regardless and I think the FBI/NSA/TSA/CIA/DFS are pretty much a pack of criminals justifying their own existence by creating more problems than they solve and double-dipping into the same billfolds they are supposed to be monitoring and regulaging. I wouldn't, however, be surprised if motorcyclists are "67% more likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity than those that do not own or operate a motorcycle." Most people are pretty disinclined toward criminal activity and it appears that pretty much all of the bike gangbanger crowd are into multiple criminal activities.


Conchscooter said...

Please check the news ticker on the link. Current news is SATIRE. have a laugh and move on. We are too old and crotchety to be gangsta

T.W. Day said...

Yep, fooled me. From Snopes, "Although the National Report is a well known fake news site, many readers were fooled by the story when it was republished on a domain designed to look like that of the Washington Post. However, that domain (Washingtonpost.com.co) has no affiliation with the real newspaper."