Mar 11, 2012

A Non-Brand Plug

On a bored, chilly, and uninspiring Thursday afternoon, my wife and I went to the cheap theater and saw Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance in 3-D. I admit it, I am a 3-D fan and will watch all sorts of crap in that format. Mostly, GRSoV was disappointing. Some of the effects were interesting, but most were tame as you'd expect for a Nick Cage movie. I was impressed, however, with the motorcycle picked for the film. As opposed to the girlyman custom Hardly from the first film, Ghost Rider has stepped up to horsepower with a charred and macho V-Max. The coolest aspect of all that is that you'd have to know this was a Yamaha to know it was a Yamaha. The V-Max is iconic, but only to motorcyclists. The usual wimp off of the street would probably assume it was a muscled-up Hardly.

That's it. The end of my movie review. The plot is predictable. Cage still can't act. Mark Johnson still can't write or direct. 3-D movies still wear you out and lose effectiveness about 20 minutes into the experience.Ghost Rider is as silly as ever. The V-Max is still the meanest looking motorcycle made.


Muzebl said...

Mmm, VMax, the ultimate cream machine. That's been my dream bike forEVER.
And when I finally get one, my tags will say, "MS MAX", damned Skippy!

T.W. Day said...

No way anyone will call you V-Max a "girl's bike." You have to have something going to stay out of the hospital and/or jail if you ride that machine.

T.W. Day said...

This is, sort of, a revision of my movie review. When I said, " 3-D movies still wear you out and lose effectiveness about 20 minutes into the experience," I was wrong. The new Spiderman works all the way to the end.